Wednesday, August 28, 2013


<Main Characters>

 Sara Crewe – Sara is a loving, intelligent, and humble girl who used to live in India. She likes to read and write books and is also known as an amazing storyteller. Although not very pretty, Sara attracts the attention of others. She shows matured behavior despite being young. With her mother gone, she loves her father very much who later puts her in Miss Minchin’s seminary boarding school for women in London.  Sara finds comfort with her doll named Emily which Sara bought with her father before getting to the seminary. However, Sara’s father dies in the diamond mining business, and Sara starts to face conflicts. Sara stands strong and tries to be like a princess not complaining no matter what situation is. Later, a friend of Sara’s father named Mr. Carrisford finds Sara and decides to take care of her.


Miss Minchin – She is the headmistress of the seminary who antagonizes Sara in the story. She wears glasses and has thin body and sharp look. She is really mean and high-tempered to those who are poor but kind-hearted to those who are wealthy. She flatters Sara’s father and pretends to be friendly when Sara is with her father. Since Sara is intelligent, Miss Minchin is quite jealous of Sara, but still treats her kindly because of her rich father. However, when Miss Minchin hears news from Mr. Barrow, the solicitor of Crewe that Sara’s father is dead, Miss Minchin starts to treat Sara more meanly than she treats the other poor people. Miss Minchin decides to keep Sara as her servant and gives Sara a lot of difficulties by ordering her to do many harsh things and errands.

 <Minor Characters>


Miss Amelia - She is Miss Minchin’s sister who is kind, friendly, and caring, but always is in the shadow of her sister.  Miss Amelia follows everything that Miss Minchin says and never dares to go against her because of fear.  However, she later gets the courage to tell Miss Minchin that it was not right to mistreat Sara.


     Ralph Crewe – He is Sara’s tall and gentle father who loves his        daughter so much. Unfortunately he dies from a forest fever while      doing the diamond mining business.

Becky – She is a young maid in Miss Minchin’s boarding school. Although Miss Minchin hits Becky often, Becky continues to work hard to support her family.  Becky accidentally sleeps in Sara’s cozy chair because of exhaustion, but when Sara finds Becky sleeping in her room, she feels compassion and begins to treat Becky kindly.  Becky sees Sara is different from other rich people and becomes Sara’s loyal friend.

Ermengarde – She is a loyal friend to Sara whom she admires. She gets stressed from her father’s expectation, but she is not as intelligent as he thinks. Inspired by Sara, she secretly goes to Sara’s room to hear her stories every night.

Lottie – Being the youngest girl in the seminary school, she is stubborn and childish, crying too much until she gets what she wants. However, her mind and attitude somehow change after she meets Sara, who volunteers to be her mother.

Lavinia – She is the oldest in the seminary but arrogant and bossy. She hates Sara since everyone’s attention is shifted from her to Sara. She tries to trouble Sara by telling bad things about Sara to Miss Minchin.

     Mr. Carrisford – He is Crewe’s friend and partner in the                    diamond mining business. After he finds out about Crewe’s              death, he feels so guilty that he decides to look for his friend’s          daughter and take care of her as his daughter. He feels so                depressed when he could not find the daughter even though he        searched for her all over the world. However, he finally finds out        that Sara who has been staying beside his house is the one he        has been looking for.

<Other Characters>

Emily - Sara's doll
Melchisedec - the rat in Sara's attic room
Ram Dass - Indian servant of Mr.Carrisford
The Large Family- the neighbor beside the boarding school
Mr. Barrow - Crewe's solicitor

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